“While there was a TOM change during the contract period, there was no loss of continuity during the change, which shows the strength of the management and contract team.”
“Quality is a trademark of this contractor’s work. That was exhibited in August during the steadfast effort on FM 3-16, Observations and Recommendations Report and the Integrated Learning Plan (ILP) database…”
“This is by far the strongest and most valuable contribution the contractor provides. During the pandemic our multiple interactions daily resulted in producing lessons faster and at a better quality than any time in the past. The utilization of Blackboard Collaborate and MS Teams facilitated better communication and clarity of expectations across all teams.”
“The program is awesome, I’ve never worked with a more user-friendly program in the Army; the instructors ensured everyone understood how to properly use this program, they were very knowledgeable; great instruction-very useful; awesome class and tool to use.” —Army Soldier Student
“I am glad we picked the right contractor (Trideum) for this MTCCS contract. Other larger companies may not have been as flexible or responsive to the changes thrown at them.”